
It strives to keep his promises.

They exhibit consistent behavior with their words and actions.

Respects professional and personal privacy.

To be fair

It puts his business interests ahead of his personal interests in his activities.

It respects differences and does not discriminate.

It treats everyone the same in matters related to his job and creates equal opportunities.


Takes responsibility for the tasks undertaken and the decisions made.

It expresses what he thinks is right, without considering his personal interests.

Work Discipline

Takes care to comply with the rules of the workplace.

It is careful not to endanger the safety of his colleagues and himself in his activities.

Respects the priorities of her colleagues.


It takes care to represent her institution in the best possible way in the environments she is in.

The company takes care to use its resources efficiently without wasting money.

It acts by considering the interests of the company in matters related to the company in her environment.

Social Awareness

It takes care to balance the benefits of society and the institution.

It pays attention to the protection and safety of the environment in its activities and use of resources.

Respects the laws, values and traditions of the country and society.

Customer Responsiveness

It is sensitive to the complaints and expectations of its internal and external customers and takes action to solve them.

It strives to resolve risks to customers.

Being Respectful

It respects the personality, duties and responsibilities of his environment and colleagues in his attitude, behavior and expressions.